In 1994...
The history of Omega Tau Pi is unlike any other organizations' in the world. The organization began in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
with the high school setting in the late 1980s after the revival of the Greek system on Historically Black Universities and
Colleges. A group of students formed a dance team that included seven young men calling themselves "Unity Phi Unity".
Along with those seven young men, several young ladies aligned themselves to dance alongside "Unity Phi Unity",
they were known as the "U-Girls". The "U-Girls" and "Unity Phi Unity" dedicated themselves to
their studies and their talents, which they displayed throughout the Baton Rouge area.
Let there be Seven...
After performing together under the moniker of "Unity Phi Unity" the men changed their name to Upsilon Phi
Upsilon Fraternity to strengthen their bonds of brotherhood as they entered the campus of Southern University. Not long after,
the "U-Girls" which consisted of the following young ladies: Vonnie Trimble, Zanovia Chube, Veronica Gilkes, Sharvette
Brock, Tashieka Johnson, Janell Dillon and Montrelle George, followed in their brothers' footsteps and became the sisters
of Omega Tau Pi Sorority. All of the young ladies became charter members and founders of this sorority except Montrelle George,
because of the age requirements on Southern University's campus.
Kayla Ford was added to the charter roster completing the list of the founding mothers of Omega Tau Pi.