Service Log Now Available Online
Please visit the National Directory page of this site and download the Service Log. This form should be completed for every
project, both individually and collectively. Please submit all forms to National Service Coordinator Sherrelle Diggs.
National President |

Madame President Christie Hunter |
The Sisters of Omega Tau Pi are dedicated to sisterhood and service. Over the years we have lended our services to several
charities and non-profit groups. They include but is not limited to: the Big Buddy program, Girl Scouts of America, the Crisis
Hotline, various nursing homes, the Our Lady of the Lake Children's Ward, the Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation...the list goes
In addition to work with the community the ladies of QTPi are also very active on their various campuses. They have served
as ambassadors for their schools, volunteers for schoolwide events, and they also sponsor programs designed to empower and
support women.